Forums - to anyone who has ever fought something Cheap, cheesy or "doesn't require any skill" Show all 95 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- to anyone who has ever fought something Cheap, cheesy or "doesn't require any skill" ( Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:29:2000 12:36 PM: i am not going to count gambit glitch where he flies out of the game. that is in my opinion pretty fucked up to do to someone, chip with one kinetic card then glitch out so time runs out and you win. i fucking hate every one of you guys who say that some shit is cheap, cheesy or doesn't require and skill. i hate you dumb motherfuckers so much man i wish you would all die. i hate every fucking bastard who says that blackheart is "cheap" who thinks cable is cheap who thought wolverine combos in mvc1 were cheap who thinks even infinites or keep away is unfair who thinks juggernaut powerup then switch is cheating who thinks that only dashing in characters who connect to supers are skilled who think throwing is cheap who lose their temper and think doing the same things again and again because they work is cheap who bring the fighting game into real life fighting words who slam on the sticks or buttons who disrespect the games who yell obscenities while fighting who lose their fucking temper and don't hold it inside who curse openly instead of having a little bit of fucking dignity who say that mvc2 requires no skill who think that using assists is cheap who think that anyone or anything is cheap . FUCK EVERY ONE OF YOU GUYS. i hope you all DIE. dam you fucking idiots man every last one of you iceman using ass holes. go to hell i swear i do believe that i am right. i am not just stating my fucking opinion dam you i am RIGHT about this. this is what is RIGHT. you jerks are wrong and you will always be beneath the guys who i respect who compete in a healthy and constructive fashion who are creative who understand. FUCK you guys who don't understand that capcom made 2 assist buttons for mvc2 because they want assists there all the time, because it has variety, because it is deep, skillful, because it is a part of the game. i hate you pricks who don't understand and cry cheap. go to hell every one of you ass holes. p.s. have you ever heard juggernaut laugh when he switches out motherfucker? i think capcom made that "glitch" work on purpose. you know that crap with ken's air hurricane kick that takes off half life? i don't give a SHIT about it and enjoy fighting it. and really what i want to say in this p.s., you know gambit's glitch? I do not think it is unfair. if someone is doing it, FUCK YOU for not finding a way to fight against it. you LOST THE FIGHT fucker, Gambit WON. not he is using something cheap. go to hell. i didn't say any shit to guys who pick iceman,okay. i am saying the fucking mutts who think iceman cammy guile psylocke running around and trying to go for combos is the way this game is meant to be and say anything else doesn't take skill to do. why do you think wolverine and chun li were fixed? the dicks who use iceman in such a shitty and ignorant way is the ones i am talking to. not Good Iceman Fighters.late. i am full of contempt for you stupid people. Posted by Nos99 on 11:29:2000 09:34 PM: woah.. did you get in a fight with somebody at the arcade over something "cheap"? Sounds like you did the Gambit glitch and got a punch in the eye. anyhow.. props to you buddy. Whatever you did, keep on doing it. The thing I hate is when poeple bitch about something something cheap, and then I'm NICE enough to actually tell them how to counter it.. they just look at me in disgust. "fuck you then buddy! <picks cable>" Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:29:2000 10:41 PM: I also believe there is no such thing as cheap. Cheap is a word used as an excuse to keep yourself from becoming better. I believe that using cable is not cheap, but the easy way. Beating someone with iceman is EASIER than beating someone with Kobun. EASIER, not CHEAP. Using the gambit glitch is just taking the EASY way to victory. So instead of saying something is cheap, just say it is easy. Your not going to get more skilled by taking the easy way, but then again, why does that matter to so many scrubs? If you can't take every little detail about a game that makes it so much easier to win, then don't play that game. What can I say, I think MVC2 is a stupid game. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the game, but it is stupid. I think it is stupid because it is so easy to play. It is the one game I can think of that can do the same thing over and over again and still win.(But the game is so much fun!) I respect James Chen a whole lot for not getting into playing humans in MVC2. The game has so much to offer in combos, but the versus in the game is really limited. Hope that makes sense.Thanks. Posted by Onslaught on 11:30:2000 05:14 AM: You can get out of anything if you got the right type of team or strategy. What does that mean? It means that you can get out of anything that is considerd "cheap" Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:30:2000 08:01 AM: that is dam right man thanks a lot guys for posting what you said. Mr. Tanaka Force, Nos99 and Onslaught you guys know whats happening. no man i didn't do gambit glitch against someone. i started out be even saying i think it's pretty fucked up to do that to someone. but if someone did it i would instantly challenge them again and make sure they don't do it again and that i win. maybe if i kept on losing with everything i can think of i'd start even using gambit glitch on them. Mr. Tanaka Force how come james chen don't play people in mvc2? i don't understand. and how come you say that you can do the same thing over and over and win? you can't man. maybe the only exception is chipping someone to death, but even then it is very difficult. i have managed to win with a chipping team designed for chipping but i don't win very much with them. it's like double war machine in mvc1. That shit yes, you can do it over and over again and win that way. but even then, they can adjust to it somehow then you are forced to adjust, else you lose. in mvc2 there is nothing cheap. you can call an assist while blocking an assist, you can snap in their main assist and fight them like that, you can super assists till they're dead, you can do so much shit man. it is an awesome game. it is so much a duel when you fight someone who is good and you guys go at it till you're both down to around one energy bar worth of life for your team combined and killing eachother slowly. i Love mvc2, more than i loved mvc1. FUCK YOU DICKS WHO THINK THERE IS CHEAP SHIT YOU FAGS. FUCK YOU FUCKING DUMBASS IDIOTS. even in streetfighter two when you could invisible throw with guile, i was able to beat crazy guiles who did that shit without using guile after a while. in streetfighter crazy edition, the hacked one, i was able to beat crazy super speed sonic booms guile, sometimes i had to use guile too but mostly ryu and ken's dragon punch arced so far toward them that it went through all the sonic booms. i can't think of a game where it is impossible to get out of something that you have no chance to avoid. if in mvc1 hyper venom could just hit jab and no matter where you are on the screen or no matter what yo'ure doing blockign or not it'd hit and he'd infinite from there, that shit would be cheap. but instead he has to throw you or use a helper or something, so it is not cheap. weird and silly shit like a fucking broken joystick, unplugging the game because it's down to 10 seconds and they land a super and you know they will delayed hyper combo you to death or shoving the guy you're fighting, that kind of shit is fucking cheap. i swear man if anyone starts to make some kind of shit with me because they get frustrated or because they can't handle i swear i am going to show them what is cheap. i will fucking break their nose and punch their neck out of nowhere while they are talking their shit, maybe that will kill them but i really don't fucking care right now. THAT SHIT IS CHEAP YOU FUCKING BUNCH OF JERKS. that shit is cheap, not cable, not spiral, not doom, not juggernaut, not storm, not hyper venom, not lou, not blackheart, not glitch guile, not anything fuckheads. go to hell. i will see you in hell you ass holes, only the difference will be that i sent you there, but i am there because of you. Posted by Nos99 on 11:30:2000 08:17 AM: whoops.. sorry dude. Guile with magic throw is sorta cheap. You can't win. He picks guile, you can't. He get's magic throw. You're dead. ONCE MAGIC THROW STARTS YOU'RE DEAD. game over, dead. nothing you can do. Now, I'm not gonna stop no one from doing it, but it's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to win. Walk away from the machine. Never mind that Guile was a freakin' powerhouse to begin with.. blah. SF2 is crappy game anyhow. The same with Akuma in ST.. he might seem hard at first, but really? He's freakin' impossible. No way to win. The game turns into all-Akuma fest. You might flame me for this, but that's the way it is.. maybe not cheap. But waaaay too freakin' good. heh. Which is what ruin's games. something that's waaaaay too damn good and makes the game shitty. Now I don't bag on people for doing it, i mean hell.. you got to do it if it's good. if you don't that's just dumb. It's when people get pissed then it's stupid.. "man! you're so cheap using that strategy/move/whatever". Why don't you use it yourself? duh. If it's a really overpowered strategy that you think ruins the game, then you just don't play. It's even stupider when people get pissed about EASY shit. "man, stop ticking me!" uuh.. hello, you must really suck. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:30:2000 08:36 AM: well said Nos. magic throw back at the time could be stopped by dhalsim i believe, i don't remember very much and with ken,ryu you could hurricane kick and throw when you land or some shit. but you have a point it's way too good. some shit yes it is too good and actually i think you're right, it does make the game shitty sometimes. especially some things like using hyper venom against guys who dont know how to play at all and infiniting them to death and throwing every time, that shit is pretty crummy i think. why not use characters that you don't play that much, you can still win and you won't totally crush them that way. but i bet you man some of those guys who you kill with hyper vnom, some of them, maybe even one, will be watching you and trying to memorise what you're doing and will practice that shit later on. you can bet that in a month when he sees you again he'll be quick to fight you and he'll have improved a fucking lot. that is what it's all about man, trying new and different shit, then ultimately creating new shit that you yourself made up, because there's fucking 56 characters worth of shit to be discovered. people only use really a lot probably only half or even less of the 56. it is the people of higher quality who adapt and create. it's the fucking losers and dicks who cry cheap and think shit is unfair, fuckin ass holes. why not fight, find a way around it. I DON'T MEAN FIGHT IN REAL. i think it is very wrong to start challenging people to real life duels because of losing in marvel man. marvel isn't supposed to be about that. but it is right to compete and try to learn how to practice at something and get better at it. some fuckin bastard somewhere is going around yelling and banging the joystick and controls right now man, and i can't wait to fucking fight him and Kill his three so easily over and over and over again and smile when he shouts that i'm cheap and intensify it to the maximum then proceed to a new max of murdering his worthless lame loudmouth loser ass. i will LOVE that shit. that is the right shit. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 11:30:2000 08:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: even in streetfighter two when you could invisible throw with guile, i was able to beat crazy guiles You have to tell me how _you_ beat the magic throw. Skill is irrelevant when it comes to fighting it -- there is no escape. Posted by Nightmare27 on 11:30:2000 08:29 PM: Damn,,,,,,,,,, There is no such thing as fighting cheap. You do what you got to do to win. Short and sweet. Don't see someone knocking someone on their ass and then say "I'm sorry, left me help you up", do you? To be the best, ya gonna know the rest. Posted by dairy queen guy on 11:30:2000 09:23 PM: i have to admit man you guys are right. i don't remember so much how to escape invisible throw with guile other than keep hurricane kick and throwing him first, did any of you guys play crazy streetfighter? i played one in phillipines where they made vega's claws tipped red at the end, when zangief did lariat he had a yoga flame blowing in his legs too, balrog shot 2 super fast hadokens with every punch, sagat really sucked because they didn't give him anything besides super slow tiger shots and tiger knees with fireballs coming out. his tiger uppercut got killed by low and far dragon punch. you guys are right man. invisible throw is impossible to beat unless you keep throwing him non stop before he does it. even then i don't know if it will work it's been i think 7 or 8 years or more since i've played sf2 world warrior. late Posted by Jinmaster on 12:01:2000 12:51 AM: Heh, Dairy brings some flavor doesn't he? Anyhow, on the gambit glitch, you have to have a lead for it to work. You could counter it by starting strider and doom, and force him to block your jab when the match starts. If you call doom the second you hit jab and then hit fierce nad cancel into a bird and cancel that into uro, there would be no way for gambit to get the need he needs to make his glitch effective. Then again, one can start spiral, possibly get the lead back, use swords for a safe switch, then gambit could use the glitch. There are ways around just about everything, but to me there are is a question one has to consider: does this break the game? was it intended to be that way? If the answer to the former question is a yes and the answer to the latter question is a no, then the problem should either be removed or banned. In the case of cable, he was not intended to be a helper killer all by himself. However, he doesn't break the game, becuase a Team without Cable can still win consistently: See doom/storm/Cylops. I see the gambit glitch as gamebreaking. All you need to do is have some kind of lead at any point in the match. Then the match ends if you don't have the right tool. He was not intended to do that, and it breaks the game as a whole. Posted by Onslaught on 12:01:2000 04:40 AM: Damn Straight! Or maybe you can have some kind of little trick. Shuma's exploding eyeballsbefore gambit goes up, or spiral's teleporting trick( although i don't know about the teleports cause no one over here does the glitchfto win). But i seen people get out of it via Shuma's mystic stare. Or like how the guys said chip some of Gam's life and stay ahead, or at the start of the match, dash and jump foward and don't give your opponent a chance to do the glitch. After all it does take a couple of seconds to do it. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:01:2000 07:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: well said Nos. magic throw back at the time could be stopped by dhalsim i believe, i don't remember very much and with ken,ryu you could hurricane kick and throw when you land or some shit. but you have a point it's way too good. some shit yes it is too good and actually i think you're right, it does make the game shitty sometimes. especially some things like using hyper venom against guys who dont know how to play at all and infiniting them to death and throwing every time, that shit is pretty crummy i think. why not use characters that you don't play that much, you can still win and you won't totally crush them that way. but i bet you man some of those guys who you kill with hyper vnom, some of them, maybe even one, will be watching you and trying to memorise what you're doing and will practice that shit later on. you can bet that in a month when he sees you again he'll be quick to fight you and he'll have improved a fucking lot. that is what it's all about man, trying new and different shit, then ultimately creating new shit that you yourself made up, because there's fucking 56 characters worth of shit to be discovered. people only use really a lot probably only half or even less of the 56. it is the people of higher quality who adapt and create. it's the fucking losers and dicks who cry cheap and think shit is unfair, fuckin ass holes. why not fight, find a way around it. I DON'T MEAN FIGHT IN REAL. i think it is very wrong to start challenging people to real life duels because of losing in marvel man. marvel isn't supposed to be about that. but it is right to compete and try to learn how to practice at something and get better at it. some fuckin bastard somewhere is going around yelling and banging the joystick and controls right now man, and i can't wait to fucking fight him and Kill his three so easily over and over and over again and smile when he shouts that i'm cheap and intensify it to the maximum then proceed to a new max of murdering his worthless lame loudmouth loser ass. i will LOVE that shit. that is the right shit. Man I get all kinds of bullshit about my Cable,Magneto,Blackheart team. Mainly just my Cable. I nail somebody with a X3AHVB and they confront me for that. They say that requires no skill at all and it is just plain cheap. They can all go to hell. As for one of my friends who hates Cable so much, I don't care what he says about it. He's just trying to find out a way to get by the viper beam blasts. There's this pattern I do with Cable and Blackheart and I find it effective. Drop the icebomb, super jump up with Cable and throw a grenade with fk. If not captured, viper beam on the way down. If captured, I blast them with a AHVB. I am sick and tired of these damn scrubs saying "that's cheap". Why don't they just quit playing then? P.S.- DQ guy I give you props as well. It's all good. Later. The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:01:2000 08:08 AM: i am very glad to see this shit man. there are good people out there who know what is good and what is fucking dumbass bullshit. YES MAN DON'T EVER STOP USING CABLE. SNK Hitman don't ever quit that shit man pour it on. if they say some shit tell them they can fucking try it themselves and see if it's as easy as they think. it wasn't easy for me to learn air hyper viper beam. it is easy if someone tells you exactly how to do it and repeat and everything but then that is already not learning it, it is as difficult as learning big combos or fighting styles with anyone to learn hyper viper beam, when you can use it the best and all that crap. yes man i HATE all the pricks who have to say some shit. i am very glad to hear about you guys who play the right way and actually fight and compete and use your brain in these games man. don't ever listen to fuckheads who say that something isn't fair or it doesn't require any skill. there is also one thing, have you ever felt like someone's strategy is just fucking gay and they don't deserve to be winning you with it when you know that your crap is better, but they win anyway using dumbass shit? i lose to guys using cammy and psylocke and jill and that kind of crap and i get really mad man. but i thought and thought about it and i don't get mad any more. i kept thinking of why i'm losing to that dumbass crap and it isn't really that they suck with them. they're using them in a way that somehow beats the way i'm using the people who i'm used to and am sure that are good, i have lost with cable and blackheart to guile and cammy teams and i can't fucking figure out why. i used to say in my head "fuck this dumb shit man what the hell is going on here? this guy is NO DAM GOOD he SUCKS. i can't believe he is winning me, i have to put up such a fight to kill those lousy characters when i'm using FUCKING CABLE DAMMIT" i will admit that i am wrong to have thought that way. i don't know if anyone else thought that way at one time or another but i think it is not right to say that the cammy, iceman guile player has no skill when he's winning. if they win they won, you have a lot more to learn. when i lose to guys who i consider to be not good because they use cammy and psylocke and iceman and shit and just run around, i understand what is happening now. now they can't really win me because i've improved. it is because most of the time when i am trapping a bad player, what happens is that all they try to do is do a super. they just try to keep doing supers when they're eating the shit that i am trapping them with, and the smallest little hole that i am furiously trying to cover is enough for them to do a super with cammy or magneto or guile(fucking sonic hurricane fucking b.s.) and it hits me and probably my assist, and the guy who did it knows how to cancel supers, and he gets that shit. just because he knows how to do a super and cancel a super(which in my opinion is not equal to knowing how to trap or play the way i do, but they still kicked my ass with that crap you know?). it really is my fault that i fall for that kind of simple shit because even though i have thought so much on how to trap and minimize the holes, there are holes still and the fuckheads who i hate are just trying to do a super any super they can get off, and they happen to make it work. it sucks man. this is what i think. thanks for reading it if anyone actually reads this lengthy shit and if you agree, let me say to you don't get frustrated. i used to get so pissed off, now i don't. i just think and eventually i find the answer. remember to block against the iceman/cammy/felicia/guile fags. no those guys aren't fags man, i just have a dirty mouth that's all. and it's nothing personal to those guys either, they have kicked my ass enough to earn them some merit, you know? thanks. late. Posted by Galactica Phantom on 12:01:2000 09:25 AM: Yo, word to Seth Killian, your groupies are here! Gambit has that glitch cause he's completely single screened based, that shit ain't cheap, just super jump with Akuma, or start a strider doom combination when the game starts. Remember that Gambit has to be winning for the glitch to work. This glitch is cool because it forces one guy to be offensive(gambit obviously) and one guy to be defensive and looking for trap set ups... maybe the so-called offense in MvC2 lies in the gambit game. Ya never know... I'm just speculating though... keep up the good work y'all! I beleive TLC said it best... Honoo ga, OMAE O YONDERUZE Posted by mondu_the_fat on 12:01:2000 09:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nightmare27: Don't see someone knocking someone on their ass and then say "I'm sorry, left me help you up", do you? ..Oddly enough, Ryu and Ken have an ending in SFZ3 like this. Posted by Nos99 on 12:01:2000 08:38 PM: dude, magic throw is unbeatable. You can't hurricane kick that shit. He'll magic throw you out of it. Then, while you're on the ground from the magic throw, he'll do another and you fly to tthe other side of guile.. then, guess what?! Yes. Another magic throw. And another. You can't even get up. The only way to beat it is to not get in Guile's upside down kick range.. wtf are you gonna do? throw FBs all day? that never works. Guile is prolly best in the game without magic throw anyhow. SF2:WW is just lame anyhow.. everything does too much damage, no reversal (WTF?!), and let's not talk about dizzies.. HF is real game. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:01:2000 08:52 PM: right. my mistake man. i didn't fight anyone that good with it i guess. maybe they just knew how to do it and didn't know about throwing you before you get up off the ground. it sounds pretty good man, i don't fucking think it's cheap though. it's good, that's all. Posted by Jinmaster on 12:01:2000 11:58 PM: You don't have to start gambit to make make use of the glitch. You only need to get a lead. You're not supposed to win just for getting a lead. Spiral/cable/cylops (in my opinion) gives strider/doom a hard time anyhow. If you get any sort of lead and use the spiral knives for a fee switch, you can siwtch gambit in and do your stuff, basically at will. The game isn't supposed to end the moment you are behind in life, it is suposed to end when you die, and you should have some inkling of a chance to come back until the time runs out. -Micah Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:02:2000 10:26 AM: Mr. Jinmaster you're right. i have to say i agree man it is not fair to glitch out like that just because you were able to achieve a lead at one point. that isn't right, you are right but let me say that i won't ever bow my head to that shit and let it walk all over me. i'll keep fighting the guy who's doing it till i figure out how to kill it. just me and also so many good players out there will keep thinking of new shit to burn gambit glitch strategy and somehow someway i believe it'll happen. one other thing-- i will Never ever start yelling that it's cheap or cheating or any shit like that. i am not saying that i hate guys who will say that it's cheap, because actually gambit glitch is just fucking nuts, but i am not Ever going to be the one who says that it's cheap. even ass holes who i hate, when they win by desperate throwing or by doing lame shit or obvious desperate things i might have real contempt inside my mind but i don't say anything. nothing. instead i try like hell to fuck them for what they did. and every time i see them again i go straight to the game and put in 2 tokens and fight them, trying to win by a lot and to take them totally out of their game. for me right now i have to say that i limit myself to only 3 characters that are the very best i can come up with to try to ruin someone. i also use them just to compete when i can't think of a weakness of any team, i just pick them if i keep losing. i do believe though that almost every single character in this game has a way to be good in many, many situations. some way better than others in specifics of course, but i'll never give it up that capcom made some guys the best at the shit that they can do. it's up to us to find out what it is. you are right man gambit glitch and invisible throw are the types of things that might be considered cheap. and still even then, i won't lower myself to the crooked wretched state of fuckin dickheads who say good fighting is cheap. if you really think about it, why the hell should gambit glitch be called cheap? or even invisible throw? if it's really as good as you guys say it is, it sounds like you're dead no matter what. but for gambit glitch, if they beat you 50 times in a row with it, why not make yourself that much better by fighting it and beating it somehow? we as humans have that potential, i think, god made us capable of defeating that which we can learn from. you can study gambit glitch i'm sure and find a character who kills it. why not marrow blackheart. homing missle super with inferno assist kills runaway storm, gambit glitch might not be too far off to figure out after a bunch of losses. maybe not, but at least it's a start. a start to thinking of how to beat it. this is so boring what i am saying isn't it. fuck either it is boring as shit or i am fallin g too asleep to care. bye Posted by sk8turtle on 12:04:2000 12:47 AM: yo dairy man, I don't think people are going to start pickin marrow just to beat gambit glitches. Since it is a glitch, Capcom probably doesn't want the game to be played that way anyways, where you play until Gambit takes the lead and then game over. Frankly, I don't believe that's how the game is supposed to be played either. For the same reason, that's probably why they dont' allow it at tournaments, because it's unfair. but by all means, you can spend all the time you want finding ways to beat it, and switch up your teams entirely just to take out a gambit, but if someone pulls one on me, I'd just punch him in the face. Especially if their entire strategy is how they can lock you down, so that gambit can fly away. I mean, all they have to do is throw you then put a doom AAA in front of you, and what's wrong with people who play pure combo characters eg. Cammy, psyloche and magneto., Do you know how much harder it is for them to win, especially when they have to go catch keep away characters like spiral and cable, and deal with helpers like doom, and black heart who keep them from dashing in? Why don't you try winning with a cammy once in your life, and do it with out helpers 'cuz an AHVB 'could tak'em out like that. Basically everyone knows how to AHVB x3 now just from watchin' a few people play. It's so easy. So what's this about how you have all this skill, and how when a person beats you with a cammy they suck. I think the cammy had way more skill, 'cuz they had to find a way to get out of your trap, and they kicked your can in the process. and that's skill, considering Cammy doesn't have a super that she can link three times in a row, cammy doesn't have a super that can threaten helpers to never want to come out, cammy doesn't even have any projectiles. Basically, it's harder to win with Cammy then with cable, and when a Cammy owns you, maybe you shoudl open your eyes and recognize that someone just beat you with a lower tier chjaracter. That even though you had the better character, you were owned. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:04:2000 01:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: i am very glad to see this shit man. there are good people out there who know what is good and what is fucking dumbass bullshit. YES MAN DON'T EVER STOP USING CABLE. SNK Hitman don't ever quit that shit man pour it on. if they say some shit tell them they can fucking try it themselves and see if it's as easy as they think. it wasn't easy for me to learn air hyper viper beam. it is easy if someone tells you exactly how to do it and repeat and everything but then that is already not learning it, it is as difficult as learning big combos or fighting styles with anyone to learn hyper viper beam, when you can use it the best and all that crap. yes man i HATE all the pricks who have to say some shit. i am very glad to hear about you guys who play the right way and actually fight and compete and use your brain in these games man. don't ever listen to fuckheads who say that something isn't fair or it doesn't require any skill. there is also one thing, have you ever felt like someone's strategy is just fucking gay and they don't deserve to be winning you with it when you know that your crap is better, but they win anyway using dumbass shit? i lose to guys using cammy and psylocke and jill and that kind of crap and i get really mad man. but i thought and thought about it and i don't get mad any more. i kept thinking of why i'm losing to that dumbass crap and it isn't really that they suck with them. they're using them in a way that somehow beats the way i'm using the people who i'm used to and am sure that are good, i have lost with cable and blackheart to guile and cammy teams and i can't fucking figure out why. i used to say in my head "fuck this dumb shit man what the hell is going on here? this guy is NO DAM GOOD he SUCKS. i can't believe he is winning me, i have to put up such a fight to kill those lousy characters when i'm using FUCKING CABLE DAMMIT" i will admit that i am wrong to have thought that way. i don't know if anyone else thought that way at one time or another but i think it is not right to say that the cammy, iceman guile player has no skill when he's winning. if they win they won, you have a lot more to learn. when i lose to guys who i consider to be not good because they use cammy and psylocke and iceman and shit and just run around, i understand what is happening now. now they can't really win me because i've improved. it is because most of the time when i am trapping a bad player, what happens is that all they try to do is do a super. they just try to keep doing supers when they're eating the shit that i am trapping them with, and the smallest little hole that i am furiously trying to cover is enough for them to do a super with cammy or magneto or guile(fucking sonic hurricane fucking b.s.) and it hits me and probably my assist, and the guy who did it knows how to cancel supers, and he gets that shit. just because he knows how to do a super and cancel a super(which in my opinion is not equal to knowing how to trap or play the way i do, but they still kicked my ass with that crap you know?). it really is my fault that i fall for that kind of simple shit because even though i have thought so much on how to trap and minimize the holes, there are holes still and the fuckheads who i hate are just trying to do a super any super they can get off, and they happen to make it work. it sucks man. this is what i think. thanks for reading it if anyone actually reads this lengthy shit and if you agree, let me say to you don't get frustrated. i used to get so pissed off, now i don't. i just think and eventually i find the answer. remember to block against the iceman/cammy/felicia/guile fags. no those guys aren't fags man, i just have a dirty mouth that's all. and it's nothing personal to those guys either, they have kicked my ass enough to earn them some merit, you know? thanks. late. DQ guy, try the stuff I listed on my first post. Icebomb,grenade, then AHVB or VB on the way down. Like I said, I find this pretty effective most of the time. The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by Ghodsmack on 12:04:2000 01:45 AM: DQ guy needs a hug... The cheap/cheezy shit isn't limited to the losers mumblin' stuff as they plunk down another quarter to lose again. (Funny how that works...) Anyways... I play Rogue. Not well, but enough to get by most of the time. If someone wants to turtle, or is just plain out to lunch, they're gonna get it.. Now I had LOST a match, and this dude has the audacity to tell me that I shouldn't use the kiss, because it's unblockable.... Um.. NO. Most of the cheap/cheese stuff can be beaten with a little thought and effort, so stop yer bitchin' and THINK! ALL teams & tactics have a flaw. All you need to do is FIND IT. And on the "no skill" complaint... some of those things really are more difficult than they appear, like Makoto's choke/punch thingy on 3S. YOU try getting the timing down so they CAN'T jump out of it.. No skill my ass...There's more stuff too.. Karin's L2 punch super into L1 kick super on A3... It all takes some sort of skill, otherwise EVERYONE would do it... Ghod out. Ghod: Official scrub of whatever arcade I happen to be in... Posted by KoKoBa on 12:04:2000 01:52 AM: i agree with every single one of you, except for sk8turtle or whatever. those fuckin shit talker piss me off. especially the one's who complain about AHVB's being cheap, ryu being too advantaged, the mishima's being too advantaged, kyo being cheap, etc. every other fucking day all i hear is "cheese". people like sk8turtle complain about that all the time. at a certain mall scrubs complain that i call out my assists too much. they play like the best way to play is to do aerial raves, when of course it is not. i don't know maybe they played too much mvc and don't realize mvc2 relies heavily on good assists and supers. those are the type of fuckers i hate most. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 12:04:2000 07:42 AM: sk8turtle YOU are what this topic is talking about. the people that cry cheap and cheese. cammy magneto and psylocke ARE easyass characters to use they have the fastest dashes in the game which will let you connect combos. cammys super goes through an ahvb and psylocke has 4 or how ever many jumps so she do her air combo connected to super jill players just wait for the right time to do ducking rh then super ice man no chipping damage from beams and easyass air combo connected to super guile easy fuckin combos. all that shit is easy thats why people use them but when they get beaten by cable spiral doom blackheart " dude thats so easy man totally cheap bra, man all you do is that keep away cheese" you said cable's ahvb x3 is easy? youre full of shit man just to do 1 ahvb is hard enough but to connect the other 2 takes timing and IS hard. apparently you dont use cable. of course to the cable users out there its easy but learning that shit for the first time was hard. its a hell of a lot harder to do then the combos connected to supers that your "pure" combo characters do. you said "why dont you try and use cammy for once and do it without assist cuz AHVB could take em out like that" to reply that maybe you should learn how to use your assists at the right time and back them up with your primary either that or the characters youve paired them up with just suck. i bet you took one look at this topic: 'to anyone who has ever fought something cheap, cheesy or "doesn't require any skill"' and you screamed "hey ive fought against alot of cheap cheesy cables" and when you came in you saw it was making fun of the people like you who try and replace the realization of you suck by saying shit like "hey cheapass stop running away. dude thats fuckin cheese braw. that ahvb x3 is sooo easy". when you read it was against you and your minions so you did whats your instincts told you to do,instead of admitting you guys are wrong you say shit like: man cable is sooo chea... i mean uhhh cable is so easy to use. shit. cammy and psylockes easy shit is way harder that gay ahvb or swords trap with assists. i agree with everyone else who talked about how the players that scream "cheese or cheap" should either keep their mouthes shut or stop playing whatever game theyre getting their ass beat in. late. [This message has been edited by Super Saiyan Cable (edited 12-03-2000).] Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:04:2000 10:40 AM: wow you are so fucking impressive man. you are so fucking tough you fucker. "you can try all you want to find ways to beat gambit glitch but if anyone pulled it on me I'd just punch him in the face." you have me so fucking impressed, what kind of a fucking dumbass thing to say is that? or to do if you are really fucking stupid and such a bastard that you'd do it. what do you mean you'd just punch them in the face? for doing gambit glitch in the fuckign video game you're playing? you are just trying to sound tough, right? i think you make yourself sound stupid. stupid-ass and in a hurry to talk some shit. so fucking corny, unoriginal fuckin such an obvious thing to fucking say to try and get macho. i have felt that way for reals, okay. i have lost 13 times in a row to the same guy and i had to leave when my Mom came to the arcade and was mad at me for being there and yelled at me there, and i had to leave in the middle of the game and the guy who was fucking me up just left my characters standing there. i was shamed and embarassed, and i wanted to really punch him or some shit. but i wouldn't ever really do it no matter how mad i got man that is not right to do. same with punching someone over gambit fucking glitch. one thing about your cammy speech brother-- i think cammy and iceman and psylocke and fucking even magneto styles can go to fucking hell. that is shit from 50 games fucking back man. i HATE seeing the exact same supers being used in the exact same combos, with dashing and shit FUCK that shit. i enjoy Hayato because his supers are something new, and he is made to be used with assists and to connect into supers involving his assists. cammy is just easy bullshit, it is so dam easy to combo a super with her. same thing with Jill. same with Guile, and talking of guile-- my brother said it best. they have to Baby him so much man so ass holes will use him, they connected his throw into ducking short into air throws into supers, such easy supers, same shit with iceman, same with cammy, those queers are for guys who don't know shit about playing any way other than dashing in and trying to connect a super. go play mvc1. the crap that you are saying, i got beat by a lower tier character, i said was true in the previous post. yes i got beat by those fuckheads who i believe suck big dick man. but i am NEVER FUCKING EVER! going to say that you sk8ter turtle or ANY of those cammyicemanpsylocke sucking pixies have any fuckign skill dammit. NO WAY IN HELL. it is NOT skillfuckingfull to land a super with cammy. that shit is pure double jump in dash in UGLY to watch bullshit. by the way you think it's so fucking easy to play with traps or to do 3 air hyper viper beams man why don't you look the next time you pick cammy at that fucking machine how easy the bullshit that you do is? what the fuck do you do? the exact same shit that i was doing 3 games ago. that is ALL you cammyiceman guys can hope to do. and actually i think psylocke, magneto, jill are good characters that have a lot of options, but you pixies have fucking USED THEM SO FUCKED UP FOR SO FUCKING MUCH THAT I HATE THEM NOW. FUCK those guys now, thanks to the dickheads who use them in such an ugly way that it sickens me to try them out. same with the spiderman ass holes. same with the motherfucking collossus bullshit guys in mvc1, sit back and call collossus fuckin ass holes. let me guess man, you picked collossus every time in mvc1. okay let me say right now i am sorry if this is becoming offensive okay. really. i don't mean to ridicule guys who really honestly believe that their way of running around with cammy and connecting easy ass supers is honestly the way mvc2's meant to be played, and fucking that it's really the most skillfull way to play. i don't want to insult you guys okay you are entitled to believe that absurd and worthless and brainless and fucked up and ugly and gay and silly bullshit that losers love to do if you want to. okay ignore that-- if you really believe in your crap then more power to you. but DON'T YOU TELL ME THAT CABLE SHIT IS EASY. DON'T TELL ME THAT CHIPPING IS CHEASY AND EASY AND KEEPAWAY IS CHEAP. NOTHING is cheap. i don't call your retarded crap cheap. i call it fucking stupid cause it's my opinion. but not cheap. yes let me say this, i have NEVER not ONCE picked cammy yet in any game but super sf2 new challengers way back when she first came out, but i can choose her on my first time and do that retarded shit taht she does without even thinking about it. YOU try playing cable dam you and see if you can play good with his fierce gun and grenades. i think i have gotten out of line but i am not backing down from what i believe, every guy who says that some shit is cheap is Wrong. everyone who thinks small run around combo into super characters like cammy is the way this game is supposed to be played are dam wrong. FUCK. Posted by Gambit on 12:05:2000 02:05 AM: I did the Gambit glitch by accident once ^_^ As far as the glitch itself goes, damn you Capcom! Damn you all! Every game you have given Gambit some kind of glitch to make him almost cheap! In MvC1 the infinite, in MvC2 the glitch. The only Gambit where Gambit wasn't molested by you was XSF! Make him perfect in MvC3, Capcom! -Gambit, of fame. Posted by God_of_Poop on 12:05:2000 05:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nos99: whoops.. sorry dude. Guile with magic throw is sorta cheap. You can't win. He picks guile, you can't. He get's magic throw. You're dead. ONCE MAGIC THROW STARTS YOU'RE DEAD. game over, dead. nothing you can do. Now, I'm not gonna stop no one from doing it, but it's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to win. Walk away from the machine. Never mind that Guile was a freakin' powerhouse to begin with.. blah. SF2 is crappy game anyhow. The same with Akuma in ST.. he might seem hard at first, but really? He's freakin' impossible. No way to win. The game turns into all-Akuma fest. You might flame me for this, but that's the way it is.. maybe not cheap. But waaaay too freakin' good. heh. Which is what ruin's games. something that's waaaaay too damn good and makes the game shitty. Now I don't bag on people for doing it, i mean hell.. you got to do it if it's good. if you don't that's just dumb. It's when people get pissed then it's stupid.. "man! you're so cheap using that strategy/move/whatever". Why don't you use it yourself? duh. If it's a really overpowered strategy that you think ruins the game, then you just don't play. It's even stupider when people get pissed about EASY shit. "man, stop ticking me!" uuh.. hello, you must really suck. Akuma isnt that good. Rog can rush down his shit Watson style, while og Sagat can low tiger him to death Posted by viperRX on 12:05:2000 11:44 AM: hey dairy queen guys, NICE! IMO, there are just two types of people who play MvC2 (i mean the people who used to play MvC2 everyday at your arcade or every other day), one type is the people who always uses cammy, psylocke, spidy, ... FUCK them... the other type is the people who know how to do the cammy, psylocke, spidy combos fuckin long time ago already, and now they switched to play KEEP AWAY style with cable, spiral, bh, sentinel, doom... I go to the arcade in the mall near where i live almost every day and play MvC2, CvS, and alpha 3 there. But there are two MvC2 machines so that most ppl play MvC2. One machine in newer and it is the original NAOMI (dreamcast) cabinet, but the other is a fucking old version not-so-compatiable with MvC2 also high damage setting cabinet which is called "the losers' machine" in that arcade. So almost everyone put their quarters on the NAOMI machine and no one even look/care/peek at the losers machine. OK, there is a food court right beside the arcade, and those fucking people who worked there (TACO BELL, new york fries, all those shit...) go to that arcade and play MvC2 at their fuckin lunch period or so. They always think they are fucking all good because they are there all the time practicing Cammy Jill Spidy stupid fucking SAME sequence all over and when they get occasional wins over people they just feel FUCKING FAMOUS and look around if any people is looking at them. I am the one who look at them, but my reaction to them in like... spit right at their fuckin face and say "you so fuckin SUCK!" . usually, I play them and I win with doom/bh/sentinel or someother trap teams or high tier characters. I will tell you how fucking stupid they were, they will just use spidy just jump hit LK,MK and land and do LK,MK,HK air combo and repeat like FUCKIN MVC1, OMFG, and they will call CapCom's AAA when they are hitting the jumping MK exactly everytime. When they get their spidy killed, their CapCom is so fuckin useless I just want to let him kill two of my characters for FREE. I cannot bear to watch their ugly faces when they accidently do a couple of Captain Sword and Maximum Spiders and get my doom or bh killed and look at me for just half a second and feel all good. FUCK THEM ALL! One more thing, they always have some fucking shit to say just before they went back to TACO BELL, KFC ....etc. to work. IT IS (in a low voice) "you are so fuckin cheap" and goes out of the arcade before you can say anything. But anyways I will yell back "you so fuckin suck!" before they get out of the door. But they will pretend they don't hear it. Take into consideration they lose 5 times in a roll. AHVB*3 is not that easy, depends on the weight of the characters, and also how do you direct the AHVB before you land and jump again. But I have done AHVB*5 on juggernaut on my DC in the summer. P.S. some guy say that CAMMY air combo to killer bee assault is fuckin easy, i agree to it. Jill? Iceman? ... all way too damn easy like doing Ryu air combo to super in MvC1 P.S. I appreciate those people who say "nice", or "good game" after they lose to your traps. Those are the good players because they learn. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:05:2000 08:42 PM: hell yes ViperRX i hate those fuckers man who say that blackheart is cheap. cable is cheap. they think they're some kind of something with cammy and spiderman, and i know exactly what you mean about them jumping in with spidy and calling commando at exactly the same time every time. i don't get it man if they want to stay stupid and never learn and just play their dumbass fuckin bullshit that really deserves to lose, that is their right. but when THEY FUCKIN GET LUCKY AND LAND A SUPER and that's all it is, fucking LUCK, and kill one of your guys or my guys, why the fuck do they say i am cheap or you are cheap and they think they have skills just for using their super in such a dumbass way, just keep supering until it works. they don't do shit but try to keep supering every time they start getting trapped, and the ones who do combos just keep jumping in. regular jump ins and regular dashing in. that fuckin crap just doesn't work any more, all they can do is rely on their dumbass supers over and over again, and when you learn that all they are doing is just doing supers and kick their ass after that, they call you cheap. FUCK those guys man. ViperRX i Respect you a lot and every other guy who is good i have high props to all the good players of mvc2 man, and in alpha 3, and third strike and cvs. FUCK the dumbass fucking DUMB motherfuckers who can go to fuckin hell licking the bottom of cammy's boots and sucking iceman's dick. i'll NEVER forgive those guys for calling me cheap. NEVER NO FUCKING WAY, i'll ALWAYS hurry to the game and Kick their simple headed cammy using ass off of the game with Hayato and Cable and Ruby Heart and Servbot and Blackheart and Silver Samurai and Venom and everyone else. thanks ViperRX NEVER give in to the ass holes there, i am in the fight with you over here, NEVER stop fucking them up. especially with cable man, Represent the power that he has and that the good players created with him. Thanks man late Posted by fattyboonboon on 12:07:2000 03:08 AM: Hey guys, dunt take it too hard, it is just that pple cant find the right word to express their anger when they lose and the word "cheap" just pop out of their mouth. i doubt they meant it anyway. I got called cheap often in my arcade but i just brush it off as we are all there for the game. There was even once when there was this guy at my arcade with his girlfriend playing MvC2, he was getting like 13 straight wins with his Psylocke, Jin and Jill. It was the only machine there so i had no choice to challenge him. I picked Cable and thrashed him. His GF was whispering to him that i kept repeating the same old stuff and he just replied loudly to his GF that " He was playing cheap!" I didnt do anything coz i knew he was just plain piss and partly also coz i should not have challeneged him in the first place in front of his GF and should have just waited for him to finish. Nothing is really cheap in this game, AHVB is not cheap, throwing is not cheap... so just refrain from calling pple cheap... u just cant ban pple from doing something when u cant do it. Imagine a fireball happy Ryu in CvS telling a Iori not to do his Maiden Smasher coz it goes "under my fireball and hits me".THat is pretty weird rite? Soemthings are built in the game to counter others, taht's what makes the game fun and interesting! AHVBx3 is never an easy thing to accomplish man, it took me such a long time to learn how to do it. but then again, ur opponent is the one who pop the money into the machine, let them play the way they enjoy it the most.. we are all in this game coz we like it rite? So let's just respect each other more and tolerate each other's style of playing.... but i have to say, dunt call ppel cheap in the arcade, u will only get into trouble. It is not worth it, After all, it is just a game.... Posted by Onslaught on 12:07:2000 04:56 AM: Just a little thing Queen Guy, don't get pissed or anything but do ya think that MVC2 was really made for one style of gameplay. Do ya really think that it was made for just Spiderman combos, do ya really think that it was made just to chip health or to AHVBx3 everytime the chance opens. No it was made for every type of fighting style. It is because the game is so deep and there are litterlly millions of styles of play. And one of my Styles just happen to with Spidey. And I to have had people get pissed at me cause I jump in w\ Spidey Doom assisting him and start letting out the attacks. And when ever I get told is that all you can do, I tell them that there is an easy way to get out of it as well. JUST FIND THE WAY! However I also use bigger characters Blcakheart, Sentinal, etc. cause I also like the styles that come with them. What I am trying to say is just because something is hard or easy to land does not mean anything it's what they are comfortable with. Posted by ID on 12:07:2000 06:28 AM: Damn Thats a lot of idiots posting in one thread. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:07:2000 12:34 PM: you're right Mr. fattyboonboon. yes man some people don't know what else to say. one time i can remember my brother was probably feeling mad after losing to me a lot when this game was still kind of new and i was sitting back watching other guys try it out and my brother said to me "watch this" and fought some guy who was using spiderman and wolverine and cyclops or some shit. my brother kicked his ass bad and that guy got so mad he banged on the game with both his hands and said "that's CHEAP!" and walked away. i fucking got right behind my brother and right behind him too because he looked so mad i though he was going to punch my brother or something and i wanted to try and stop it. i am very grateful to God that he didn't. yeah man that was probably wrong to kick his fuckin ass so bad like that, but so fuckin what man. this game encourages that kind of competition, it even has a way to tally the number of wins, it has a part to put your initials so you can compare how many victories you have against others. still, FUCK HIM for crying cheap. what's up Mr. Onslaught. yeah man you are right and i know it. i have a personal bias against spiderman, cammy, guile in mvc2, psylocke, especially iceman and cammy. and also chun li in mvc1. and even jill in mvc2. i hate them because i just hate the way the fuckheads who use them play. they do shit that is just easy to figure out and is not creative, and when they lose to shit that really takes time to master and things like trapping, teams made just for chipping and delayed hyper combo teams and shit they think it's cheap. FUCK them and their run away, just sit there, fucking dashing in and jumping in or double jumping in bullshit. you are right brother there is so many fucking styles it shouldn't be limited to a handful. i admit that it is me who is wrong in hating one style. i know that if Capcom doesn't let those guys have their way their company won't do as good as they are so what the fuckin hell, you know. ID don't fucking call anyone an idiot man. that is a mean thing to say man. i know i'm mean too but i don't give a shit. yeah man, now i know what you mean--i am the only person really acting like an idiot but i post so much so you see it. what the fuck is going on here. what's up Mr. Def1n1tly let me say that i respect your coming around and playing the game the way it's supposed to be played. like onslaught said the spiderman and cammy crap is there for the guys who want it but it dies to doom and cable and storm and so much more so let them have their shit whenever they can. who knows man maybe i am wrong and capcom really wanted this just to be running around and trying to land supers from jabs, the assist buttons and the things they did to wolverine and chun li don't mean anything at all. maybe you guys are right and mvc1 style is still the emphasis in this game, of course! that's why they changed it to four button series instead of leaving it at 6! dam you cammy/iceman fuckers are smart! every one of you dicks. as for the cocksuckers who cry cheap, you can all go to hell you fags. i HATE you guys to death dammit i swear i am so dam sick of you guys. i will try really to forgive people who i do not agree with because i know they have a point of view too and they don't agree with me. but somewhere i will stop being so nice about things and just stick to the shit that i know is right, and bury the guile cammy iceman guys up to their empty heads in knives, swords, demons, rocks, lasers, beams, crazy supers and shit and have fun doing it and use my head to think of new ways to do it and everything else that mvc2 is about. Thanks Capcom for everything man. SCREW YOU GUYS WHO RUIN MY GAMING EXPERIENCE. I CAN'T HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF FUN BECAUSE OF YOU ASS HOLES. late Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:07:2000 12:50 PM: you know Mr. Def1n1tly i use venom morrigan war machine about 3, 4 times a week now when i used to practice with them every day. but i am actually getting better with them and perfecting venom especially, and making morrigan really improve, and getting experience with using war machine to finish opponents off. it is really worth it to save an assist for war machine to have at the end, no matter how small the life of the assist. to answer what you said in the p.s. i LOSE my ass off when i use them, even though they Are the greatest thing that has ever happened at all. but what can you do, you know. some dumbass stumbles across something like an alien spaceship that crashlanded on earth, and he's too dumb to understand just how valuable it is but he does understand that it is something good; so he sells it to some news reporter for $200 bucks. the news guy is not even that smart but knows how to utilize the potential of something like an alien spaceship that crash landed on earth and markets it for 200 million dollars. that is how i feel about venom, morrigan war machine. i feel like they are so good man and i am such a dumbass that i don't get the full use out of them, but i still get enough to win now and then. i lose like hell but i do win also. it has gotten to about 50-50 now, and if i throw with venom it could probably go to 5 game plus streaks, i'm sure. but i still forget to air dash in with war machine and i am stubborn with his smart bombs and i can't do his very damaging air combos every time, and morrigan's crazy air combos and her infinite is hard for me too. but i have the basics going, morrigan anti air assist when they're close to venom, war machine assist when they're far, super jumping venom fangs when they try to stay in the air. Venom is Very Very good. can kick the crap out of cable, spiral, doom, storm, blackheart, sentinel. cyclops can hurt him though-- also as an assist. thanks a lot for reading. good luck in your game Mr. Def1n1tly. late. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:07:2000 10:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by dairy queen guy: hell yes ViperRX i hate those fuckers man who say that blackheart is cheap. cable is cheap. they think they're some kind of something with cammy and spiderman, and i know exactly what you mean about them jumping in with spidy and calling commando at exactly the same time every time. i don't get it man if they want to stay stupid and never learn and just play their dumbass fuckin bullshit that really deserves to lose, that is their right. but when THEY FUCKIN GET LUCKY AND LAND A SUPER and that's all it is, fucking LUCK, and kill one of your guys or my guys, why the fuck do they say i am cheap or you are cheap and they think they have skills just for using their super in such a dumbass way, just keep supering until it works. they don't do shit but try to keep supering every time they start getting trapped, and the ones who do combos just keep jumping in. regular jump ins and regular dashing in. that fuckin crap just doesn't work any more, all they can do is rely on their dumbass supers over and over again, and when you learn that all they are doing is just doing supers and kick their ass after that, they call you cheap. FUCK those guys man. ViperRX i Respect you a lot and every other guy who is good i have high props to all the good players of mvc2 man, and in alpha 3, and third strike and cvs. FUCK the dumbass fucking DUMB motherfuckers who can go to fuckin hell licking the bottom of cammy's boots and sucking iceman's dick. i'll NEVER forgive those guys for calling me cheap. NEVER NO FUCKING WAY, i'll ALWAYS hurry to the game and Kick their simple headed cammy using ass off of the game with Hayato and Cable and Ruby Heart and Servbot and Blackheart and Silver Samurai and Venom and everyone else. thanks ViperRX NEVER give in to the ass holes there, i am in the fight with you over here, NEVER stop fucking them up. especially with cable man, Represent the power that he has and that the good players created with him. Thanks man late Cable and Blackheart are an awesome combination. They say that's cheap ass shit too.(the pattern that I do.) It's good for keep away tactics. If you have a good assist character like Blackheart or Dr.Doom along side with Cable, Cable just gets worse and worse. DQ guy, Man I LOVE IT!!!! The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by ID on 12:08:2000 05:34 AM: quote: ID don't fucking call anyone an idiot man. that is a mean thing to say man. i know i'm mean too but i don't give a shit. yeah man, now i know what you mean--i am the only person really acting like an idiot but i post so much so you see it. what the fuck is going on here. You need to go to some anger suppression classes or something. And theres this trend going around where people actually THINK before they post, you might wanna try it. Aside from your posts being horrendously painful to read, You contradict yourself like, 43 and a half times Get your act together, Think about what you're saying, then post. An maybe calm down on the cuss words, we get the idea. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:08:2000 08:02 AM: you are right ID. i'm sorry. i curse a lot in my head but try not to let it out in person, i guess it spills out here. sorry if i'm offensive. sorry. but i am not sorry to the dicks who play cammy and iceman and psylocke and guile and spiderman like queers. i think i am disrespecting their style but i am still not sorry. they can say whatever shit they want to my style too, i don't care. we'll see who wins if we ever battle. Posted by ID on 12:08:2000 04:38 PM: heh again dont contradict yourself First, you say Nothing is cheap,then you can say that people play cammy, or whoever like dicks. If its in the game, its not cheap You can throw out Icebeams all day, an its not cheap. Infact If you cant find a counter against an iceman that throws out icebeams all day, Then you must really suck. The only thing i consider cheap are glitches Gambit glitch, is cheap, just plain messed up. As is the juggernaut glitch, even though i never had a problem with juggernaut, glitched or not. Plus, when they try to switch out, you get a free combo. his loss, not mine. Posted by fattyboonboon on 12:08:2000 11:27 PM: hhhhm, u guys are talking about the Gambit glitch,, but i seriously doubt anyone will do it against human players. imagine the moment the game starts, Gambits throws a kinetic card, opponent block, get chipped, Gambit SNap2, Gambit glitch, then both of u will be sitting there waiting for the game to timeout, isnt that kinda awkward? And if that guy do use the glitch, he is there only b'coz he wants to win, not b'coz he wants to have fun with others.... then it has no point in playing anymore coz u will learn nothing playing against this guy.... DQ guy, thks for agreeing with me.... i know it is tough to play against certain characters like Iceman and Pyscke but i have came to realise that the same old pple in my arcade always goes back to choosing their own team like iceman, Guile etc despite everyone around them are using cable, doom etc... i evetually respect them for not getting influence and believing in that their team will stand out, and for that i think it is a worthy fight.... Posted by Nos99 on 12:09:2000 10:56 AM: If someone did the glitch to you, wouldn't you just pop in 2 more quarters, and pick a counter character for the glitch? Pic a counter, play so that he's at least alive before gambit dies , and then see who wins? It's just a really powerful strategy.. you just have to play around it IMO. it's hard, but it's there so that's the breaks.. Hey, at least it teaches you to learn those characters! Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:09:2000 10:53 PM: Nos99 and fattyboonboon you fellas are exactly right man. hell YES those rats didn't sell out to cable and spiral and blackheart and shit and keep using their crap, so they do earn my respect for that and only that, but it doesn't mean dicks to me really cause i also didn't sell out. i did not ever leave Hayato, who was the single character i was really excited to play in mvc2 and i still use him regardless of how many losses i take. you are exactly right Mr. Nos99. just fight that shit again and show how fucking dumb it is, that if they do happen to win again, they have to win in sucha shitty fashion by letting the time run out for 80 seconds and doing nothing or they hav eto lose to you for using good characters who can stop gambit as soon as they see his snapback like blackheart, marrow, commando or hulk or ruby or some shit. even cable. why not? FUCK that gambit glitch shit. i won't call it cheap or unfair, actuallyi am kind of respecting it for being so good right now. but still, FUCK IT. it is in its own league man, it is controversial. like abortion, HAHAHA HA HA HA! when's the fuckin last time you heard someone compare gambit glitch to abortion? HA! late man Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:09:2000 11:19 PM: Hey DQ guy, something weird's going on. Most people totally think that my Cable is just cheap and confront me about it. On CvS, they say that my EX Rugal is awesome and has inspired some people to learn him. I guess MvC2 players and CvS players are 2 different things. When I play people who mostly play CvS or any other SF or SNK game, I get more positive comments than negative. Almost sounds like someone's trying to inspire me to focus more on CvS, which I am as of right now. Posted by Kensei on 12:10:2000 08:17 AM: Hahaha, dang, you sound pathetic saying these things. First off, calm down. There are ways to counter glitches. Gambit's glitch can be countered. If someone does that glitch to you. Use Spiral! She can teleport and hit him off the top of the screen. Guard breaks can also be countered with Cable, that's a secret and I can't tell you how. Besides, those "cheap" techniques you mentioned are actually "skills" that really good people know how to use. Oh yeah, and when someone does those cheap chipping combos or do something repetative, those techniques are called "traps" and there's always a counter to them. There's a counter to everything in MvC2, well, almost everything, and it shouldn't bother you. Just practice being "cheap", and learn how the "cheap" stuff works. Trust me, learn how to do that stuff, it will teach you how to counter them. I can counter almost every trap (that's because I don't know how to counter Spiral's yet), so the next time I see a Blackheart, Dr. Doom, or Sentinel, in a team, I know WTF to do. If someone get's cheap, be cheap too, but be cheaper than them lol. That's because I'm the cheapest player in the world! muhahaha Posted by Nate X Grey on 12:10:2000 07:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by HitmanSNK: Hey DQ guy, something weird's going on. Most people totally think that my Cable is just cheap and confront me about it. On CvS, they say that my EX Rugal is awesome and has inspired some people to learn him. I guess MvC2 players and CvS players are 2 different things. When I play people who mostly play CvS or any other SF or SNK game, I get more positive comments than negative. Almost sounds like someone's trying to inspire me to focus more on CvS, which I am as of right now. You're right on that one. Good players in old school style games normally try to learn from each other rather than call each other cheap. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Hoju Jr on 12:10:2000 11:31 PM: SPIRAL/CABLE/CYCLOPS=GAME OVER! and for all those mother fuckers out there that say it doesn't require "skill" to use them are wrong! SCRUBS MUST DIE! Posted by mondu_the_fat on 12:11:2000 10:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kensei: ... Besides, those "cheap" techniques you mentioned are actually "skills" that really good people know how to use. ... then maybe you can tell me why these "skills" aren't allowed in tourneys. Posted by Nate X Grey on 12:11:2000 07:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by Hoju Jr: SPIRAL/CABLE/CYCLOPS=GAME OVER! and for all those mother fuckers out there that say it doesn't require "skill" to use them are wrong! SCRUBS MUST DIE! You're right on that one. The timing to get Cable to cover all the holes are is a bitch. I find Iceman better but then again, what do I know? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by KINGDOM on 12:11:2000 10:12 PM: DQ contradict yourself in your other Iceman post. Hypocrite. Posted by Onslaught2000 on 12:12:2000 04:36 AM: Hey ID, did you call me (Onslaught) an Idiot? Posted by SilverTab on 12:13:2000 03:02 AM: Hey now, don't go off on spidey too much. For the cammyjillicemanspidey people, it's just a different style of play from the cableonslaughtsentinal trappers. I don't think either style is really better. And I don't knock people who do either. I've used both styles, beaten people with both styles, and had my ass kicked with both styles of play. I've had just as much success trapping as I have fuckin' bulldogging people with fast characters and not letting up. The thing is that no matter what style you play, no matter what bullshit you do over and over again, I will eventually subjugate your ass so bad, you're gonna go cryin' to your mommy. That's all. That's just how good I know I am. I will beat your ass. And if I don't do it today, and lose to you 50 times in a row, just wait till tomorrow. I remember how people used to complain about wolverine button mashers. There isn't a button-masher in the world who can beat a capcom expert...they CERTAINLY won't beat me. I hate people who complain about cheese, too. Bring it on. I will eat your crunchy ass for dinner. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:14:2000 06:35 AM: Everybody on this thread just hates people who complain about "cheapness". RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE WITH DQ GUY! Yeah Hoju jr, scrubs must die! The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:14:2000 10:51 AM: hell yes HitmanSNK fucking fuck all the scrubs man. they can all rot in hell. you are a cool guy and i'd be honored to battle you if you're at b5. you will be able to tell me right away, i'll be wearing my Dairy Queen Hat. really man thanks for saying that you hate the dumbasses too. i guess they're not dumbasses but whatever they are, it isn't as good as good fighters like you and me. they can't Ever rise to the Occasion like us man. they can die with spiderman, jill, cammy, iceman and spiderman and guile psylocke. die, as in dead you fucking bunch of lousy jokers. there are Great ways to play those characters, man. not everyone has to play the shitty way that losers do, which is ugly as shit to watch. it is really too bad that capcom can't have the beauty of their game surface because of simple headed shit brain bastards who jump in with the exact same moves and do the exact same shit. HitmanSNK good luck in all of your battles. i know that the guys like us are better than the crapass idiots sucking on spiderman and cammy and iceman. thanks for your post man, really. Mr. HitmanSNK it means a lot that i am not alone in loving mvc2 for what it is and hating the dicks who aren't worth battling. you rats deserve to be STOMPED. late Posted by KINGDOM on 12:14:2000 11:16 AM: Uhm...DQ guy? Hate to be a bitch, but you were once LIKE THEM ALSO. A SCRUB. We ALL started out on the same playing field. It's not like we're "fighting game gods" like YOU. <heehee...sarcasm here>. Some of us aren't egotistical assholes like you, who think spidey and jill should be "played better" -- bah, you reek of ass. Damnit, I swear you just make all of these asslike posts to get under peoples' skins. Lay off the scrubs! If you teach them to play better, then maybe you'd get better comp! Stupid ass. I beat ass too, but at least I got the time to teach the scrubs who want to learn. You crucify them before they even get to blink! Sheesh... Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:14:2000 11:37 AM: you are dead wrong about me and i don't crucify anybody. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:14:2000 09:58 PM: We give tips to the NEWBIES who want to become much better players, not the scrubs! We should all know the difference between a newbie and a scrub. Like DQ guy said, he hates people who suck and complain about the way you play. Calling you a "cheap ass". Those people are scrubs. Newbies are the beginners who wish to learn more from players who have experience. Even though they get their ass beat they're like "Wow, how do you pull something off like that?" And I'd be more than happy to give them some tips. You see what I'm saying? Give the newbies some enlightenment and lay off the scrubs. SCRUBS MUST DIE!!!!! The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by AcornRF on 12:15:2000 12:26 AM: One thing me realised when playing MvsC2 is never to challenge players that are much much weaker than me. Cos in the end me will get those comments like 'cheap'/'sucker combos'. When will they realise....sigh. Do they know how much time/money me spend on the game compared to themselves (me dun own a Dreamcast), how much experience me gain from challenging opponents all over me country, how much tweaking/brain-cracking of me head to get a unique combination/team that truly belongs to meself.(hands-up to ppl who uses Jin(expansion)/Sentinel(projectile)/Juggernaut(ground) team, me spend a lot of time and effort to train that team to work well as a all-round team and letting it come to known as me signature team to players at the arcades). It is not easy to use a team other players seldom use (there are no guidence for me at the beginning, have to discover them by meself), esp with Jin fighting as the first character against opponents like Cable/Iceman/Guile/Magneto/Psylocke What am me to defend against ppl who call players cheap. 1) They have not seen this combo/tactic before, their team is not built for countering it.(Reason 1) 2) They have the wrong mindset in fighting games.(Reason 2) Moves are implemented to be used. Combos are up to the user's imaginative mind, be it infinite/trap or not. There are no rules to what not to use. 3) They cannot accept the fact that they lose to other players. (Reason 3) Since most of the ppl playing fighting games are males, me dun take out the possibility. 4) They dun know what moves me characters have. (Reason 4) To them it is their first time fighting against a character that 'no one'(at least to them) has used before, they have no clear advantage against that character cos they dun know the speed/power/range/combo of that character. Inflexibility. me hope that they will come to realise this. IF everything they say cheap is removed, then what will be left is a game with a lot of characters, different names but will the same moves/speed/power/combo-ability/reaction time/move-lag/character height/reach. It will be boring. There is nothing wrong with the game. It's just the player's playing style, if you cannot win, that's just that your skill is not enough to counter against that playing style. Controlling your character is one matter, controlling your opponent's is another.(The zen of fighting games..Acorn) Posted by SilverTab on 12:15:2000 11:41 PM: THANK YOU ACORN! There's no room for complaining when it comes time to kick ass. And I agree that the only stuff that's REALLY cheap is glitches. Anything else, I can deal with. I could even deal with that Dhalsim shit in XM vs. SF. Sure, I hated it, but I didn't say shit. Just slowly and patiently learned how to render Dhalsim useless. I'm the type of person who likes to play with the less used characters, too. People have corrupted some characters (like Cable) to death. But like Acorn said, not everyone knows what to do against a GOOD Shuma-Gorath, or a GOOD Silver Samarai...people who never get used. That's where my advantage lies. Quit complaining and start training and you can beat ANYBODY. I don't really care if scrubs go to hell...they can't do shit to me anyway. Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:16:2000 12:48 AM: you play silver samurai and shuma? are you good with shuma? i tried him and i think if you can land just two throws with roundhouse you can win with him. just concentrate on throwing and healing life and running away with mystic smash and use a good anti air assist pluse shuma's ducking roundhouse when they get close. chaos dimension comes out instantly and you can use it when they rush you or jump in to make them stay away. you can also chip real good with his kick super and it combos off of duckign strong i think. fierce eye laser to mystic stare is also good when try to rush in, but anti air assist when they jump in. if you keep retreating shuma is nasty and good at running away. turtling. with silver samurai i think you can do a lot of shit too, chipping with stars that you can aim and when they call their assist use strider's tracking assist then lightning super to kill they're assist and even them if they do anything but block strider. good characters man i'm glad that you use them. late Posted by Onslaught2000 on 12:16:2000 04:26 AM: Yeah! another Shuma player. I the only one in mt town. But if ya really want to chip with Shuma, get doom (anti-air assist). Long live the fearsome Squid. Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:16:2000 11:16 AM: yeah youre right if you really want to chip with shuma but if i were you i'd concentrate on running away or getting throws with roundhouse. he can use that super into delayed hyper combo for damaging assists. i am sure if you delay hyper combo shuma in with chaos dimension and it hits you will surely be able to just jump up and grab them with it, probably uncomboing. if i were you i'd use silver samurai if you want to chip. doom's assist i think takes off the most in the game with block damage. use silver samurai's quick and short jumps to cross them up while calling doom and attack with roundhouse for a crossup hit and if they don't block go straight to lightning super cause doom's assist will knock them up and you can't launch first before lightning super in that case. but if they block you can dash backward by holding back and hit two punches or hope they push block doom assist moving you back then do fireball to super fireball and it'll chip at least a fifth of their life no matter who it is and what they're doing, serbot included cause you can aim the stars down slowly against him, and agianst juggernaut, sentinel, the other big characters it'll take off a good amount of their bar safely. remember that chip damage also steals the red from their bar, and if you can repeatedly chip them and build super to do it again, just one time maxing out with your super bar should be more than enough to kill any character with full health from just chipping. after you weaken or kill them, switch in storm and make her run away and build levels, meaning no hail storms. their guy can switch out but he can't heal cause he's got no red life to heal from being chipped, which should be a chance for you to have storm with the lead. storm will max out the bar safely for you and whenever you're ready either wait till they super jump after you and lightning attack straight down to the ground to switch in samurai or just delayed hyper combo into samurai's stars when they're about half of the screen away. even cable can't punish samurai when it's done right cause they'll finish blocking hail storm then be forced to block the stars or get hit by them, cause there isn't enough time to do anything but block or take the hit of super stars after hail storm's blockstun when at that range. if you do the delayed hyper combo you'll lose two levels worth of chip but with 3 levels you can easily take off half life with only the stars to super stars of samurai. if you add doom assist that should be 75-100% depending on how you make them block the assist. just the rocks from far away will add chip damage and allow you to safely shoot an extra star at them after the super stars to both protect doom and max out the block damage. lightning super can kill assists, it's especially good to delayed hyper combo into that shit when you're using a super like juggernaut's or magnetic tempest on an assist. you can almost kill a full life assist with only two supers. well maybe not so much with magnetic tempest cause it's hard to cancel out of that super into samurai lightning and still get the full effects but how about hulk's super. that shit is Nuts man. people think hulk sucks cause you can mash out of his 50 or even 75% gamma crush. but their assists can't mash out of that shit. hulk blocks an assist and almost kills it with an aimed gamma crush, canceled after the last hit into samurai lightning is fucking Crazy shit that i ought to try out man dam. sorry for the long post. sorry if my crap here is not accurate. late. Posted by SouLExodus on 12:17:2000 01:40 AM: Heh, I guess Gambit is the cheapest then but that doesnt exclude Cable from being Cheezy Posted by yes4me on 12:19:2000 03:06 AM: If I understand clearly you are saying that there is no way capcom or any company made any move cheap. It is not a mistake, but a features. Eh... ok... please play me in SFA3, me using Karin in ASM. I hope you know about the glich. If Karin grab you ONCE, you lose all your life. Now I never heard of such great "feature" in any fighting game. Ok cable is not too cheap? Fine... what about the sentinel? What about using any glich in the game?? Glichs are sometimes stuffs missed by QA and testers... using something that was not supposed to be in a game is cheap most of the time. The problem is too know what is cheap. What about the following nice feature that was added to the game: Taunt. Guess what? I was fighting a kid once day in MvC2 and this guy is hit my start button and press level 3 super right after. Is that cheap? Maybe not according to your definition... ok ok I know you are right. No need to insult me. On the other hand, I don't believe grabbing is cheap. Grabbing is part of the game... since the beginning of the SF series... and in all fighting games I know of. [This message has been edited by yes4me (edited 12-18-2000).] Posted by dairy queen guy on 12:19:2000 10:49 AM: i'll fight your A Karin with my A Karin but i don't need to use the glitch. you won't be able to throw me. or i'll use Gen, see if you can throw my Gen. or Birdie. i don't think throwing is cheap. what's wrong with it. but i will say this much-- i think some throwing is stupid, thug tactics. i like Throws with combos done after them or two throws in a row immediately after the other or throw traps. not just fighting with throws. there are exceptions like hyper venom and shuma gorath. also zangief. i think captain commando players who do nothing but throw and captain sword with commando left don't know shit about captain commando. i think that kind of crap is bad throwing. you can do very slow jab short jab roundhouse and off the ground with fierce then do short short roundhouse launch then jump up and air throw them, or if you think they know yo'ull try the air throw do standing roundhouse. if you air throw them you can do a roundhouse in the air right after you throw them to the floor then off the ground them then land and launch and do try to launch them again then do standing roundhouse this time, i don't know. that isn't shit i know but hey at least it's better than only dashing jumping in and trying to throw and mash, or captain sword. commando has hoover, gennety and sho and captain fire. he can use captain kick for running away or crossing up after assist. he's good man. late Posted by SouLExodus on 12:19:2000 12:27 PM: Ok cable is not too cheap? Fine... what about the sentinel? What about using any glich in the game?? Glichs are sometimes stuffs missed by QA and testers... using something that was not supposed to be in a game is cheap most of the time. The problem is too know what is cheap. (edited 12-18-2000).][/B][/QUOTE] I have no problem with people throwing, I guess I've seen these mostly people that doesnt have any way around to fight someone who is always in the defensive. As for Glitches, I think thats cheating. Like what Dairy said about gambit throwing a card and disapearing thats just BS. About your glitch with that character.. atleast you can't do that grab right away, others have a choice of protecting themself as in let say keeping their distance. You'll have to work hard to try and do that Technique(sp?). The only problem I got with Cable is his cheap air shot as a character enters the screen, distroy your block and then do the Air Hyper Beam and can repeat it without any escape thru it. Posted by yes4me on 12:19:2000 10:03 PM: dairy queen guy: I know Gen well too much... you will not be able to beat me there so easily if I were to play you since I normally play MAINLY Gen(60% of the time) or Ken(39% of the time). However if you were playing Karen in A-mode, and I get close, I am 100% sure someone is going to use the glich(maybe by mistake...). Therefore saying that you will not use it is completly incorrect. In any case this is still a cheap way to win or lose. My point that this is a glich that was not supposed to be in the game in the first place, cause it is way too cheap... a grab that does 100% of damage... That make Zangief worthless if you consider that move normal. Now if you consider this normal... as your post sounds like, I guess you are one of these kids who believe it is fun to beat people the cheap way. If that's true, I hope to never meet such lamer like you. Finally I don't think throwing (or grabbing... whatever you called it) is cheap for any character except if there are glich within the grab like the A-Karen or Zangief. It is not like this guy has a cheap grab or this one is ok. If we start to speak like that, we can go as far as saying that the fireball of ryo is cheap compared to the fireball of Rose in SFA3, or maybe the opposite way... If this was also true, capcom then really do sucks. We know they cannot find all the gliches(which is normal), but that would also mean they cannot even figure out when some moves are too cheap. [This message has been edited by yes4me (edited 12-19-2000).] Posted by AzN_Skater on 12:20:2000 11:03 AM: Errrr... what A-Karin glitch? Posted by yes4me on 12:20:2000 11:22 AM: AzN_Skater: Karen's grab in A-mode does 100% of damage Posted by Dasrik on 12:20:2000 09:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by yes4me: AzN_Skater: Karen's grab in A-mode does 100% of damage Not A-ism, L-ism. And it's 99%. Posted by DavestA on 12:20:2000 11:03 PM: Iceman is the biggest cheapass in the game one of the biggest mistakes capcom ever made while making mvc2 was the fact that they deceided to make him take no damage Posted by yes4me on 12:21:2000 01:28 AM: Dasrik: Thanks for correcting me. Posted by HitmanSNK on 12:21:2000 07:51 AM: Hey DQ guy, I don't like captain commando players so I fry them with Cable! Ha!ha! Later man, peace! The future is now: HitmanSNK Posted by SilverTab on 12:24:2000 09:45 PM: Yes, I'm actually good with Shuma, too! He's feared among my Capcom playing compadres. I've always been known for playing with the bastard children of fighting games. Shuma fuckin' rocks. Silver Samarai's lighting is one of the best supers in the game, too. It's not good to cancel out into anything else tho, cuz they can usually hit the ground and roll out of the next super. Spiral, who people neglected in X-Men CotA is now being corrupted by the masses, so I don't play with her as much. I just like to use who everybody else isn't using, cuz I can pull out shit they don't expect...shit they can't find answers for until they run out of quarters or until I get tired of whoopin' em. Thanx man...and fear the calimari! Long live Shuma! Posted by Onslaught2000 on 01:02:2001 12:50 AM: Hey DQ guy, ya going to B5? If I can go i'll look for ya! You'll be wearin' a DQ hat right? Posted by dairy queen guy on 01:02:2001 08:15 AM: i wouldn't miss b5 for the world man. i have been dreaming about it for so many many months now man. i will buy my plane ticket in advance, and will tell my boss the exact days i'll be gone as soon as Shoryken tells when and where it'll be, i'll ask for probably 4 days off, one to get there, 3 to fight and maybe take pictures of the competitors there and one day to go home. more if necessary. yeah man i want to say to you Good Luck in your fights and at b5 man. i have already considered that in my best games, mvc2 and alpha 3, i might get killed in my first games of each, that would be the super worst man. if it happens, i will stay for the entire event and i will STILL be glad that i went and that i got to at least watch the best fight against eachother. that might be the only tournament i ever go to in my entire life that i fight against someone and compete in something that i have the chance to be the best in the world at. it might be the only thing that i can have self respect and compete in, i dont' care if i lose i know that i have practiced enough to win and it will be a memorable thing in my life. it really is too bad that there can only be one #1 winner, and not a group of guys considered to be tops. if there really is the very best guy in the world man he ought to be able to win against even his peers more than anyone else can win. and the peers ought to be congratulated and recognized too. but i understand that there should be the Number One warrior of each game, cause he'll earn it by eliminating his competitors. that will be an awesome dream to chase, and look back on how we all did later. my dream is to be #1 at marvel 2 really because i am not as good at alpha 3 as i am in marvel, but i still can beat a hell of a lot of people in alpha and i love it too but if i can at least get a decent ranking at B5 with my teams against so many many guys who practice so much and love so much Capcom's Fighters like me and my brother and my cousins and the other nice guys at my arcade do man i will feel like i can give up fighting games and mostly all games as my favorite and only hobby and move on to just concentrating on school and not fucking up the grades so bad and other shit. i will probably end up trying to win at marvel 3 or the next big game man, either way thanks to capcom for improving the quality of my life. whoops looks like i said too much sorry GOOD LUCK MAN HAVE A GREAT TIME AT B5 AND SUPPORT SHORYUKEN.COM BECAUSE THESE GUYS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. i hope i can find the guys responsible for shoryuken who pay the bills of this place cause i have a donation for their cause, they never responded to an email i sent to them and i can't mail it to them cause i dont' want it to get stolen but i have a contribution to make to you guys man, if any of the moderators reads this let me knwo what's up. i have been saving it up and i hope it helps. thanks to everyone and thank you mostly to capcom late Posted by HitmanSNK on 01:04:2001 07:31 AM: YAY! DQ guy is back!!!!!! -HitmanSNK- KOF fans go here! Posted by chunsa on 01:05:2001 08:11 AM: i think there is such thing as cheapness, and i'm not referring to throwing or whatnot. but the other day i was playing CvS against the computer at first, but then i started noticing that the joystick was broken, i couldn't block at all. i fought my way all the way to bison without blocking and along comes this guy, he wants to play, i tell him can you just let me finish the game because the joystick is broken. what does he do? he sticks in his money and totally takes advantage of the fact that i can't block when i'm on the left side, well of course he ends up beating me... then he has the nerve to say 'girls shouldn't be playing video games! hahahah'. i think THAT is really cheap. not because he played against me and i lost, i don't mind, but he didn't have the decency to let me finish the game even though i had a broken controller then he comes up with that snotty comment, that my friends is cheapness... in my opinion. ~miko Posted by HitmanSNK on 01:08:2001 01:45 AM: chunsa, that really sucks. That guy's an asshole no doubt about it. If you were going to play me I definitley would've let you finish the game since you couldn't block. That guy is a pure "scrub" if you ask me. Well I haven't had a chance to welcome you to the forums. You'll really learn a lot here. I'm HitmanSNK. I like SNK fighters just as much as the Capcom ones. CvS is my favorite now and is the one that I have really gotten good at since I train very hard on it. Really nice to meet you! Talk to you later! -HitmanSNK- KOF fans go here! Posted by Mr_Geese on 01:08:2001 04:34 AM: Hahaha... Well, Chunsa... If I were you, I would not have played against him, but you accepted the challenge.... So that's not cheap at all. (*^_^*) It was very nice of him to listen to you when you started to nag about the joystick... Complaining will not do us any good I guess (*^_^*) Posted by SilverTab on 01:08:2001 09:55 AM: In my circle of friends, you want to avoid playing the guy with the broken controler, or who has only 2 stars on the handicap. Because if he beats you, there will be SO much shit talking... We avoid using shin-akuma for the same reason. If you get beat while using him, you're a sad sack o' shit. [it has ALMOST happened to EVERYONE. if anyone beats someone who's using shin-akuma, the winner has the right to lord that fact over the loser for the rest of his natural life] Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway. Posted by Digicore2001 on 01:08:2001 12:02 PM: I have been through most of this forum and I can definetaly say this is the place to be. Such rock hard opinions! All you guys rock. I would loooooooooooove to play each and every one of you. But I must say that I am a combo fanatic. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing, but I love the ziggy-zaggy way (lp,lk,lp,lk, somethin kool). Mu main characters are Morrigan, Psylock, Jill ans Sentinel (and sometimes Tron, but rarely). My whole strategy is revolves around confusing you and hitting you when you least expect it, when your guard is down, and then comboing from there. That's why I pick mainly fast characters cause it's easier to confuse with em. Sentinel is slow, but some of his stuff comes out really fast! And his long range can surprise opponents. Now I don't know if this strategy would be considered "cheap"in that that is all I do. Dash combo super block counter combo super etc. And although it is easy to get the basics down, it's takes some time before you can double jump, delay, and OTG within a combo or position opponents properly so that you can keep going with the combo/super. I am just now getting into these infinite combos. I still can't any of em yet though. As for "cheapness", I try my best not to do the same thing twice, I learn from mystakes instead of bitching about how I lost to goddamn Juggernaught/Thanos combo, I don't talk shtick, and I never ever ever try to win by chipping. It's ok to chip when your opponent has alot of life, not an inch. I know some of you would say ,"It's their fault for not figuring out a way to not get hit by it!", but i still think it's sorta a stinky way to win. I mean are you so insecure about your skills that you have to get the definite win by chipping. I just wait for an opening. Now I don't know if I would be classified as a trapper or a combo fanatic (most likely), but I am trying to learn both ways to play, honestly. I also believe that nothing is cheap and that there's a way to get around everything. But be fair. That's all I'm sayin. If you dont want people to complain on how cheap you are by using Cable's hyper beam over and over again, don't complain on how they are combo/dash freaks. They have as much right to be playing as you do. P.S. Sorry for any and all typos/hypocrisy/inconsistency in this post. It is 1:56 A.M. and I am in dire need of some sleep. Just bear with me here! P.P.S You guys rock! I wish every gamer were as analytical as you guys! i guess Posted by dairy queen guy on 01:09:2001 09:20 PM: you are right man about nothing is cheap and there's always a way around but how come chipping isn't good at the end? when they have an inch left why can't you chip them to death, isn't that what chipping is for? isn't that why they made blocking not totally invincible in the first place? i think for your style of rushing in and comboing you should try magneto man. he is very good at that shit, especially with cyclops or storm assist. if you're fighting an air character though go for capcom assist. yeah i just don't agree with you about the chipping man. if what you say is true, how is servbot supposed to win, how is blackheart, doom, spiral supposed to win when it's tight and it's at the end of the game. especially blackheart. do you think blackheart can possibly dash in like wolverine in mvc1 and combo you into a super for an opening? he has to hit you while you're trying to super jump toward him or he has to get you with an assist first, or he has to chip. that is also a very very creative and Tough style man, to kill them by chipping them to death. i remember when i first heard in mvc1 the way that people were playing in tournaments, using war machine and strider and flying up w/war machine to build meter w/fierces then Crossover combination them to death with chipping them man that shit is Right. strider and war machine are so good in that game just by themselves too, but when you make them play as a team and work together they are very difficult to beat. i think Jill is probably a real good character, doesn't she have a way to store her energy inside herself by holding punch button? she can probably release it on an assist then cancel to her missle super then cancel that into proton cannon or something to kill an assist. i think mega man can do that with charged buster to rush drill slowly mashed so the buster shot won't get too far back off of them, then cancel drill into bbhood's hunting super. that shit will probably almost kill an assist, or kill it if the buster shot is charged long enough to fit 2 supers. the shot should also keep their primary character blocking and also damage the assist, and mega man can drill them both. what the fuck am i talking about late Posted by viperRX on 01:09:2001 09:37 PM: I am currently using my friend's account to get online, but I can't do it for a long time, cos he's starting to get angry for double login now.... I have seen a magazine teaching ppl to use Netzero to get online but I can't since it DC requires u to enter the DNS server which I don't have. Can u guys help me??? Posted by dairy queen guy on 01:09:2001 10:14 PM: sorry brother i don't know shit about that shit. you can probably go into the fan art section of shoryuken's forums though and ask the techs there who do the signitures here for people. or just go to a best buy or a cpu store or something and ask the cats there whats up. they'll probably tell you what you can do. take it easy man see you Viper. Posted by Digicore2001 on 01:10:2001 07:28 AM: I never said that chipping at the end is wrong (maybe I did, but that's not what I was trying to say). It's just that I, me myself and I, don't chip at the end. I, me myself and I again, don't think it's fair and very skillful. Just my opinion. I wont get mad at anyone for chipping me to death. But most of my people at my arcade thinks thats very low. And apologize when they chip me to death accidentally. As for Magneto, I've seen him. I've played with him a couple o' times. He has some reeaaly nast combos. Some of the most damaging in the game. He's kinda akward for me. I mean he's fast and all, but if you miss a move, then you're done cause he has so much lag. I've seen some really good Magneto player's, and I'm sure I could master him if I wanted to, but I'm partial to the girlie fighters (Note" Sentinel, despite his manly physique, is neither a girl or a boy so , he/she is neutral. Ya. i guess [This message has been edited by Digicore2001 (edited 01-09-2001).] Posted by Unmei no Sentaku on 01:10:2001 08:39 AM: Ok, I want to apologize in advance. I do not post much around here but I have to get in on this. First let me give a bit of my credentials. I have been playing competitively ever since the glory days of SF2. I played X-Men: CoTA & MSH & all the vs. games as well. I tend to adapt to the style of play that best suits a game, but I also limit myself. I am kind of in between here because I do feel certain things are "cheap", but I will not lower myself to verbal or physical obscenity over a game EVER. Now I put the term cheap in quotations because it's a very relative term. I agree that in a battle, even if it's a battle in a game, the object is to win, therefor technically nothing should be barred. But at the same time my status as a student of the game makes me want to better myself. And there are admittedly some strategies which are easier to succeed with, This does not make the game unbalanced, it makes the game imperfect, which all things are. Get used to it. Yes I can rush people down with spidey & strider & whoever else you want to name, but I can also do AHVBx3 & pull off pretty much all the major traps out there fairly consistently. This includes Strider/Doom, Spiral/Sabretooth (or whoever else you want to put her with), Blackheart/Storm, & the list goes on. But I generally will not use these unless I absolutely want to humiliate someone who really needs it or I'm just messin' around with friends. I tend to play right down the center. That is, with characters who don't have to concentrate on one style of play. For instance Cammy pretty much HAS to rush you down to be effective, & let's be honest, Cable has little alternative outside of his gun & AVB/AHVB. My general team that I play with most often in serious competition is Hayato, Omega Red, Doom. Now with the exception of Doom those characters are not exactly commonly looked at. People on this thread have said that AC's are lame & take no skill but you try Omega's ACs. I'd like to see anyone try taking off 2/3 of your opponent's life with one AC without even using a super. It takes practice. And on the same token I feel that any winning strategy DOES require practice & skill. This includes both rushing & trapping. Who among us is to say that the game is meant to be played a certain way? And who is to say that one strategy requires more skill than another? I can't. And for those of you thinking that I'm some kind of scrub let me just say that I visited a major Orlando arcade over the holidays (on vacation) where the competition is very steep, & after playing the game for 2 hours solid with the team I listed above I hadn't lost once. And I faced ALL kinds of strategies. And for me personally it makes me feel better to know I beat someone with characters that are not "convenient" to win with. But again, so as not to be hypocritical let me say that does not make me a better player than anyone else. It could have been luck, or I just had a really good day, or I just faced opponents who didn't deal well with my strategy, but that's no reason to criticize. Lastly I just want to say that although this is an excellent topic, I don't (PERSONALLY) feel it has been done properly. People have contradicted themselves, & talked violently, been hypocritical, & just generally let their emotions rule their words. It's a game for cripes sake! Let it be a game & enjoy it. People will say capcom made the game for enjoyment, but again, let's be honest. Capcom made the game to make money. As long as we're puttin our grimey old coins into their machines they don't care why we're doing it or how much fun we're having. So if you need a REASON to have fun, do it just to spite the corporations who don't give a damn about you personally. Enjoy the game for what it is & don't let the game play YOU. Use whatever strategy you like, if it's "cheap" by some people's standards then fine, but it's not JUST about winning. It's about enjoyment. (Which may be winning for some people.) For me it's all about the thrill of the competition & the chance of becoming a better competitor. For those of you who read all of this, no matter what you think of it, I thank you. My time is coming... Posted by Unmei no Sentaku on 01:11:2001 05:14 AM: Is that the end of this topic? Doesn't anyone have anything else to say? My time is coming... Posted by Digicore2001 on 01:11:2001 11:35 AM: nicely said. And I like pandas. Ive noticed this thread isn't looked at as much. But when something is said, it is usually alot so it balances out. The game should be played in every way possible in order to provide MAXIMUM fun fun fun! Nough said' i guess [This message has been edited by Digicore2001 (edited 01-10-2001).] Posted by Philip B. Holla on 01:12:2001 09:42 AM: There is only one character who is cheap, and that is Cable. Your whole life bar gone for flinching????? And the next character to come in??? WTF??? I'm out!!!!! I rarely masterbate, but I always be feeling myself!! Posted by Mr_Geese on 01:13:2001 12:05 AM: No, we do not, Mr. Scrub... (*^_^*) Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 01:13:2001 11:33 AM: hey Unmei no Sentaku, yeah man a lot of what you said i agree with. about people saying the game is not supposed to be played a certain way. i think that none of these games are supposed to be played one certain way,(especially MVC2)i mean why the hell would they have so many damn characters to choose from. each character has different styles and even the characters that are almost the "same" like ken ryu akuma or guile and charlie and iron man and war machine bonerine and wolverine or anything else they EACH are very different strategies to play with. shit all these games now have at least 15 characters to choose from and some games have 3on3(mvc2) or 4on4(cap vs snk) and alpha3 and 3rd strike have a big selection of characters with there own style. that is why i dont think the games have a set way to play. for the huge amount of characters i also think that is why there CANNOT be ANY cheapness at all, except unplugging the machine or someone holding a gun to your head telling you to stop winning, to that or something close to that is what ill call cheap. turtles are not cheap because they probably arent going to fact IF you can win turtling then you are good because that way is so stupid and slow that you cant make a mistake like getting thrown,chipped, or guard crushed so if a turtle can survive that then they do have skills. pixies are not cheap because they usually are played like crap and so they suck and cannot win, BUT if you somehow use them effectivly and develope a way to beat spiral,doom,cable,storm blackheart and any other trap or keep away characters then you are good because it is hard to do that shit even if youre using keep away or trap characters against it. keep away characters and trap characters arent cheap because it takes a lot of time to master the traps or keep away without getting killed. and they will get beat by other team combinations. this next section isnt to anyone specifically except to the scrubs who think cable it cheap. CABLE IS NOT CHEAP, IF ITS CAUSE OF HIS CONNECTING SUPERS THEN SENTINEL,MAGNETO,RYU,THANOS,M.BISON,AND ANY OTHER CHARACTERS WHO CONNECT SUPERS ARE CHEAP TOO...OH AND SO ARE DHC's. IF ITS GUARD CRUSHES THEN EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THE GAME IS CHEAP CAUSE THEY HAVE GUARD CRUSHES TOO, AND SPIRAL's KNIVES CAN CRUSH THE INCOMING CHARACTER ALMOST AS GOOD AS HIS BULLIT. WHY? IS IT BECAUSE HE KICKS THE SHIT OUT YOU AND YOURE SICK OF LOSING? OR ARE YOU HUMILIATED ON HOW GOOD IT LOOKS WHEN HE AHVBx3 OR GUARD CRUSHES YOUR "HONORABLE" CHARACTER? YOU DONT LIKE GETTING AHVB? SIMPLE, DONT MAKE A STUPIDASS MISTAKE. YOU DONT LIKE GETTING GUARD CRUSHED? AGAIN, DONT MAKE A STUPIDASS MISTAKE. YOU DONT LIKE HIM HVBing ALL DAY? THEN TRY AND STOP IT, MAYBE YOU SHOULD YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BRAINS. OR USE CABLE DOOM SPIRAL STRIDER... in fact almost any of the top characters can compete or at least bother cable. BUT IF YOU ARE PLAYING A GOOD CABLE THAN NOTHING WORKS. IN FACT CABLE IS HANDICAPPED IN MVC2 AND THEY SHOULD MAKE HIM A 1000 TIMES BETTER IN MVC3.HIS AHVB LAGS AND HIS GHVB DOES TOO I THINK. HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO THROW MORE THAN 1 GERNADE AT A TIME, TIME SLIP SHOULD BE UNBLOCKABLE, HE SHOULD HAVE A LOT MORE GUARD CRUSHES AND HE SHOULD HAVE THE OROBORUS SUPER AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO BLOCK WHILE FLYING. late. Posted by HitmanSNK on 01:14:2001 12:44 AM: DQ guy, there might be a chance of me making it to b5. If I am I'm definitley being there for CvS. I'll let you know what's up later on. Rugal. So evil. HitmanSNK's best friend. KOF fans go here! Posted by Philip B. Holla on 01:14:2001 08:11 AM: I'm not a scrub and I think everyone you mentioned is overpowered also, but tell me this, name one move that cannot be punished by a AHVB either in start up or recovery???? I rarely masterbate, but I always be feeling myself!! Posted by fattyboonboon on 01:15:2001 06:58 AM: Sakura's charging dragon punch is invincible thru out the whole duration of her attack.... see her walk thru the beam man! So then, is Sakura cheap? Posted by HitmanSNK on 01:16:2001 11:41 PM: People who cry out "cheap" are scrubs period. No, I don't think Sakura is cheap whatsoever. Rugal. So evil. HitmanSNK's best friend. KOF fans go here! All times are GMT. The time now is 12:46 AM. Show all 95 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.